I was wasting some time doing some important work online this weekend when a realization came to me:
I am a YSL Arty Ovale Ring addict.
You may laugh, but it is a serious problem and one I need to find a solution to soon. It has to stop or else my love for other fabulous jewelry (like this, this, this, and this) is going to suffer!
I am not sure how I am going to get past this, but I do know one thing—I don’t want anyone else to get lost in their love for these rings as I have.
It’s easy, I know.
They are just so… perfect. And pretty.
So, so pretty.
My pretties.
*deep breathe*
If anyone out there thinks they may be suffering from a similar condition (it doesn’t have to be related to Arty rings—just any gorgeous baubles!), but you aren’t sure if it’s serious, here are a few telltale warning signs to look out for:
Arty Addiction Symptom #1: Your statement ring collection is dominated by gorgeous glass baubles of varied colors.

4 Arty/4 Others. Not enough Arty’s!!!!
Arty Addiction Symptom #2: You rebel against the Monday blues by pairing your Black Arty with some animal print. Grrrr Mondays.

Arty Addiction Symptom #3: When you write a post about Arty rings you include waaaaayyyy to many photos because you can’t help yourself. They are just so pretty. Pretty baubles. Precious baubles.
Arty Addiction Symptom #4: You sometimes lose track of time because you are counting the tiny gold flecks in your Lapis Arty ring.

Arty Addiction Symptom #5: Another day, another Arty ring!

Arty Addiction Symptom #6: You turn into Gollum when you wear your favorite—the Blue and Gold arty.

Arty Addiction Symptom #7: Your Christmas Wish-List is completely predictable.

Left to Right: Pink/Red Arty, Blue/Cipria Arty and Gold on Gold Arty
Arty Addiction Symptom #8: Your Arty Collection can double as a weapon if need be.

I know I have a problem—what about you? Do you suffer from any of these symptoms? Are Arty Rings your poison, or is it something else?