First off, I want to thank the beautiful Jen from Sprinkled Dreams and Casee Marie from The Girl Who Stole the Eiffel Tower. I am absolutely honored that these two lovelies have both shared their Versatile Blogger awards with me. Thanks, ladies! The rules dictate that I share 7 facts about me with each of you, and then pass on the award to 7 new bloggers.
The Fun Facts
Big Bird, an English teacher?
I learned to speak English by watching Sesame Street. It’s true. As I’ve mentioned on the blog before, both of my parents are originally from Europe. When they first moved here they could each speak very limited English – “broken English” as most call it. As a rule, we didn’t speak English in the house when I was growing up. We still don’t. So how did I learn to speak English? Sesame Street. Big Bird and Ernie and Oscar the Grouch were my teachers. On the flipside, I think my mother perfected her English by watching Days of Our Lives, Dynasty and Dallas!
It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown!
I am seriously addicted to all things Pumpkin Spice. One of my favorite days of the year is the day that Starbucks start serving Pumpkin Spice Lattes. I can’t miss Pumpkin Spice Latte Day! What do I do when it isn’t that time of the year? My fix comes from Philosophy’s Pumpkin Spice Muffin Lip shine. I use it year round even though I often find myself licking my own lips. Then, of course, there are actual pumpkin spice muffins. *Love*
A photographer, me?
I love being behind the lense of a camera. In my spare time (ha!) I am an amateur photographer who specializes in two niches: nature and concerts. I’ve never sold any of my photography, but I have found others making a profit from it on Ebay in the past. That’s what I get for being naive and sharing Hi-Res concert imagery online! Since then I have learned my lesson. Quite recently, a fairy-godmother approached me after seeing some of my work and offered to help me set up a photography exhibit. I was stunned, but also extremely excited. We are meeting soon to discuss it in more detail! (5 images below taken by me).

So many men, so little time…
My first TV crush was on Wally Cleaver. As I grew older it changed to Bo Duke. I loved Bo Duke. I still think actor John Schneider is handsome to this day! Then of course there was also Buck Rogers and his plastic hair. *sigh* Most people my age don’t know who Buck Rogers was – they just don’t understand. Regardless, Bo Duke was always tops!
I have no porn name…
I don’t have a middle name. It’s extremely uncommon for individuals of my heritage to have a middle name, and I am no exception to that. It’s caused all sorts of issues for me. Most significantly – I can’t use name generators. For instance, your “porn name” is supposed to be your middle name combined with the name of teh street you grew up on. My street name would be Norwood. Norwood. There was SUCH potential there, you see?!
I don’t like bees. Actually – to be more accurate – I am absolutely TERRIFIED of them. Bumblebees, wasps, yellow jackets, hornets, etc. You name it – I run like a screaming baby from it. And they tend to follow me as I run (must be my hair products). The funny thing is I have only been stung once. Two years ago, I was vacationing in North Carolina and got stung outside of a Panera Bread. I panicked but luckily didn’t have an allergic reaction. But it wasn’t fun. And I still hate bees.
The Silence of the Lambs
You know how some people can never decide what they want to major in? Well, In college I ended up with a double major in English and Psychology. Pretty common, I think. My minors, though, were in Biology and Film. Interesting mish-mosh of topics. My senior year, I did a semester-long study of The Silence of the Lambs (you know, Anthony Hopkins, favva beans) for an English class that was just fascinating. It was also somewhat disturbing, given the topic. I also lived for my genetics classes. I could have happily worked in a genetics lab my whole life. Instead, I am a non-profit fundraiser. How does THAT happen?
Now, my picks for 7 VERSATILE BLOGGERS:
Grechen Blogs “5 THINGS” PROJECT
Back in August, I participated in the “5 THINGS” PROJECT on Grechen Blogs. It is a wonderful, yet simple, idea: Grechen has asked bloggers to list 5 things they have learned about blogging. Thanks, Grechen for including me!
Participants include both seasoned and new bloggers, and the answers are really interesting and often helpful. V of Grit and Glamour recently posted her own responses which got me thinking about my own blog and some concerns I have had with it.
Check out the project if you haven’t done so already – there is a wealth of information available! (and I totally stole the screencap idea from V. Thanks V!)
Last chance to help Wendy Brandes raise funds on Kickstarter
I spoke briefly about Wendy Brandes’ Kickstarter project in this post last week. This is just a reminder to anyone who may have been interested in supporting her that the project ends in 3 days! Wendy has now raised $9,825 of the $10,000 she needs to move forward with the project! If you want to take advantage of the free shipping she is offering on her jewelry, or just support the project with a donation, you have a few more days to go! (Image courtesy of Wendy Brandes Jewelry).
Currently Coveting
What are you coveting right now?
Finally – two Doses of Inspiration
I love the ethereal quality of this photo.
Magazine: Marie Claire Italia, September 2010
Model: Bo Don
Photographer: Johan Sandberg
And she is just gorgeous:
Magazine: TUSH #3, 2010
Model: Ann Kenny
Photographer: Signe Vilstrup
All images from Google Images unless otherwise noted.