When I began this site it was only in my wildest dreams that I thought my little blog would ever be followed by some of the bloggers I admire most. This was for a few different reasons:
- I think the majority of fashion bloggers include at least some lookbook posts every so often, and I think that helps them connect to their readers. Since I don’t do this, I thought anyone who followed me would probably get bored of my ramblings very quickly.
- I couldn’t imagine that many of these bloggers would have the time to check out a new blog like mine. Between constantly updating their own blogs, responding to comments, and perusing the blogs they already follow, when would they have time to even glance at mine?
- Content. Although writing about these topics is interesting to me, what could I possibly say that wouldn’t just be a repeat of what they already know?
- There are SO many blogs out there, I didn’t even know if anyone would ever stumble upon mine!
I can truthfully say that I am humbled and thankful for all the followers of this blog. Although I write this blog as a way to express myself, it is extremely rewarding to know that something I have said resonated with each of you. I also believe that having an audience makes me a better writer (I hope) because it leads me to challenge myself as I try to keep this blog interesting for everyone, including myself! Thank you for being here 🙂
I had already mentioned how thrilled I was when I received the Stylish Blogger Award from the lovely A Brit Greek, and can now add that I am honored to have been tagged for the following questions by V from Grit and Glamour.
V is the type of blogger that all of us newbie bloggers want to grow up to be. She is witty, intelligent, feisty, and entertaining. She is an extremely talented writer who also happens to have a remarkable eye for fashion.
I am honored she tagged me because that means she actually wants to know more about me!
So, on to the questions:
Practically everyone is six degrees from a celebrity, political figure, or famous person. Will you explain your six degrees of separation from someone famous? Surprisingly enough, for a Cleveland girl I have actually had a number of “encounters” myself. These are my favorites:
1. Although I haven’t attended the last two years, I used to be a regular at the Toronto International Film Festival every September. My favorite moment was back in 2005 when this happened:

If you aren’t familiar with that gorgeous face, well… shame on you!
That sexy, sexy man is actor Gerard Butler. This meeting happened before Frank Miller’s 300 was released so, consequently, it as also pre-Gerry-crazy-paparazzi. He had been in Toronto promoting his then-latest film, Beowulf & Grendel, and we ran into him the morning he was due to leave the city. He was the nicest, funniest, sweetest guy in the world and chatted with us for almost an hour. Such a sweetheart.
2. In 2003, I traveled to Cincinnati to see Bon Jovi perform at the Riverbend Ampitheater during their Bounce Tour. The stage was set-up in such a way that they installed two “pits” and selected a number of lucky fans to be onstage for 3 or 4 songs. My friend and I were among those chosen.
We were onstage for: Bounce, You Give Love a Bad Name and Runaway, and I was lucky enough to be right at the front of the pit. The whole time we were up there the insane woman behind me kept trying to shove or climb over me so she could – apparently – get closer to the band. During “Bad Name” Jon Bon Jovi came over to us – held my hand – sang to me – and then kissed me! *swoon*
I had been crushing on him since the ripe old age of 9, so I was shocked speechless. I was told crazy lady kept giving me dirty looks after that, so I guess we all know who she was trying to get close to.
Last year I found a bootleg recording of the show and during that song you can hear the audience gasp and hoot when he kisses me. The only photo I have is the one below where he is about to hold my hand. I’ll always have the memory, though.

3. Last story: I was visiting NYC in the summer of 2005 and on my way to meet some friends at St. Andrews Restaurant and Bar on W. 44th Street. I was running late. I was rifling through my purse as I rounded the corner and ran right into someone.
I looked up right into Denzel Washington’s gorgeous face and blurted out “oh, it’s you!”. He seemed startled and then started to laugh. I guess it wasn’t the usual response he gets. I remember feeling myself blush, and then stammering an apology.He was in town performing as Brutus in The Belasco Theatre’s production of Julius Caesar and was just leaving the theater. He was very nice, very genuine smile, but alas that encounter was over too soon.
What have you always wanted to do, but haven’t yet? Oh, where to begin. Let’s start with travel. I would love to visit New Zealand. The country has fascinated me since I was in high school, but the scenery in the Lord of the Rings trilogy just mesmerized me. I also want to go to the Scottish Highlands and find out for myself if Nessie is real. Take a cruise to Alaska and hopefully take some stunning photos of the landscapes and wildlife.

What else? I survived sky-diving (even though I swore like a sailor the whole way down – it’s caught on video!) so I think it’s time to go zip-lining. Preferably somewhere in the Caribbean.

Finally, in an ideal world: quit my job and focus on my photography and/or writing.
Your favorite meal is… This one is easy. Hands-down, my mother’s homemade chicken, mashed potato and gravy dish. And some banana ice cream from Honey Hut for dessert.

If you could only save one pair of shoes in your closet, which pair would it be, and why? My Cynthia Vincent Luella wedges because they are:
- The most comfortable shoes I own;
- Insanely cute;
- Make my already 5’7 frame amazon-tall;
- Are my biggest shoe splurge to date.

Which handbag would you buy if money were no object? If money was no object, definitely a Hermès Birkin. So pretty. Preferably in black, like Olivia Palermo’s below.

Who is your girl crush? Do I have to just pick one? I adore both Christina Hendricks (see here, here, here, and here) and Kate Winslet (here). I think they both epitomize true beauty and womanhood. Not to mention, both are extremely talented and feisty. I love the feisty-ness.

What is your vice?: The Bachelor/Bachelorette Series. I get sucked in every season even though I know it’s (mostly) fake. Sour patch kids. I love sour patch kids. And cheesecake. I love cheesecake.

Last song you listened to? Eminem ft. Rihanna – Love The Way You Lie. I can’t get enough of this video.
Now it’s my turn to tag a few of you. I hope I haven’t tagged anyone who has answered questions recently (if I have, I apologize). If I haven’t tagged you and you would like to answer anyways, please do! I would love to read everyone’s responses.
Here is what I want to know:
- If you weren’t blogging about fashion, what would you be blogging about instead?
- Who was your most embarrassing crush?
- If you were stranded on a desert island and allowed one “luxury’ from home, what would you bring with you and why?
- The last book you read was…
- If you could live in a different era, which one would you choose, and why?
- Where is your favorite place to shop and why?
- Gold or silver jewelry?
- Your favorite drink is…
Tag, you’re it:
Candy Coated Dame
Diary of a Divergent Student
Fit for Fashion
I am Style-ish
Intrinsically Florrie
Style Me Lovely
The Fabulous Life of the Not-So-Rich and Infamous
The Girl Who Stole The Eiffel Tower